Soribel Martinez, LCSW, MBA

JC’ Precious
Mind Foundation

Helping children with special needs thrive

Soribel Martinez, LCSW

Best Selling Author

CEO of SMPsychotherapy

Soribel Martinez, LCSW, Best SElling Author

JC’ Precious
Mind Foundation

Helping Families & Children Together

Our Mission

JC Precious Mind Foundation is a non-profit entity dedicated to providing psychological, educational, and financial support, including occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech therapy, to single Dominican mothers of children with special needs such as Down Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and any disability related to learning.

The JC Precious Mind Foundation desires to be the support that parents need to give their children a better quality of life and provide a better future for those children. Precious minds deserve additional support.

Our Story

Soribel Martinez, LCSW, founded JC’s Precious Minds Foundation to honor the memory of her son, Jean-Carlos, who was stillborn at 36 weeks. When she lost her son, she didn’t ask God why – there often isn’t a reason for such tragedies. Instead, she asked God to show her how to channel her grief’s energy into helping others create happier, healthier lives.

Soribel says grief is like the ocean, with small waves that cause you to catch your breath and large waves that threaten to knock you over. The ocean is powerful, and so is grief. If you channel it, you can use it to create a greater impact in the world than you dreamed possible.

Soribel Martinez was born in the Dominican Republic and moved to the United States. She overcame a language barrier, religious trauma, the loss of her son, and a fierce battle with brain aneurysms to build a successful group therapy practice, SMPsychotherapy, and Counseling Services. She is driven by a passion for enriching the lives of others and felt called to do more. 

In the Dominican Republic, public schools cannot provide therapies and specialized instruction for children with special needs. Often, these children are removed from school because of social relationship challenges. Families who can afford private schooling or specialized services can offer their children a better chance at a fulfilling life, while families without resources are left to struggle.

JC’s Precious Minds Foundation was born out of Soribel’s connection to her Creator, the desire to honor her grief, and her purpose to help others. The foundation provides financial resources, housing, food, clothing, special education, testing services, occupational, physical, and speech therapy, psychological services, and extracurricular activities to special needs children of single mothers in the Dominican Republic.

In addition to helping children reach their potential, the foundation assists single mothers with returning to school or/and starting their own businesses. Helping mothers provide for their families improves the lives of many generations. Soribel believes every child and every woman deserves the support necessary to thrive.

In December 2022, the foundation received its first donation of $150,000. The foundation began with four families and currently serves ten, with plans to expand further.

How You Can Help

JC’s Precious Minds Foundation runs entirely on donations. You can learn more about a one-time or recurring donation here.

Soribel’s book, Unbreakable, is a self-development book that tells the story of her childhood in the Dominican Republic and how each challenge she faced shaped her into the woman she is today. Soribel uses storytelling to guide readers to reflect on their own lives and allow themselves to embrace their dreams. Unbreakable is available here, and all proceeds benefit JC’s Precious Minds Foundation. 


“Soribel is a compassionate, knowledgeable, and leader in the field of counseling. Her warm style and down to earth personality make it super easy to talk to her. She has helped thousands of clients. I highly recommend Soribel!”
-Dr. Michael Stokes

We have an easy three step process. 

First, select if you want to make a one-time or recurring donation.
Second, submit your donation amount. 
Third, receive a special thank you with stories of the children JC’s Precious Minds Foundation supports and periodic updates from our organization!